Website Proposal - nearLucid

Flow Chart

Flowchart of website pages

Site Mission

The mission/goal of the website is twofold: educate visitors on custom keyboards, and drive traffic to nearLucid social media channels (Youtube, Instagram, TikTok).

Site Audience

The site audience will be existing nearLucid watchers, people interested in custom keyboards, and companies interested in having their products reviewed or sponsoring videos.

Site Content

In order to fulfill the mission, I will have a home section with context on the brand, articles (of two different kinds) that will connect to videos with more context, and a section for all videos, sorted by newly posted videos on top. For sponsors, there will also be an about section with more information on the production process and a contact form for collaboration.

Site Graphics

Site graphics will consist of pre-made branding elements.

Design Notes


Alexotos articles page
Paco Lui home
Paco Lui case study